Promote your brand (values) with eco-friendly promotional products

Promote your brand (values) with eco-friendly promotional products

Sustainability has become a key priority for every industry around the globe. 
Climate change and the increasing impact of CO2 emissions and waste disposal have nourished and grown a green conscious among customers and governments.

Operating sustainably is no longer optional: 

it has become an essential requirement to win (and keep) contracts and attract dedicated employees.
Sustainability needs to be a transversal approach involving all company decisions – including brand communication and marketing. 
Therefore, any campaigns involving promotional gifts or branded giveaways should also be aligned with your environmentally-friendly philosophy.
Plastic-made products have flooded our daily lives – and the promotional products industry was no exception. 
However, the trend is changing and nowadays there are great sustainable alternatives to promote your brand.

Eco-friendly promotional products made of recycled materials, like cardboard and PET, and biodegradable materials, like cotton and bamboo, won’t only contribute to reduce the total amount of plastic waste, 
but they will also show your clients, partners and (new) employees that your company is committed to the environment.
Here is an overview of the top sustainable materials for promotional products: 

Cardboard: the easiest material to recycle

Cardboard is one of the easiest and most environmentally effective materials to recycle.
Making cardboard products from recycled material, instead of virgin fiber, saves thousands of trees, water (it requires 99% less water to process) and energy (up to 50% less). 
On top of this, recycled cardboard -and paper- are the perfect materials for notebooks. 
Plus: they are 100% biodegradable!
Do your bit to avoid global deforestation and promote your brand using recycled materials. 
Your partners, suppliers, customers and employees will appreciate the gesture – and so will the planet.

Bamboo: a hard grass that grows way faster than trees

Bamboo grows extremely fast: it’s a hard grass, not a tree. 
Therefore, once the bamboo has been harvested, it can easily regrow without replanting.
In fact, a normal bamboo shoot can become fully mature within three to six years, while maple trees may need 30 years to fully mature and can live up to 150 years.

With the rise of eco-friendly products, bamboo items are gaining popularity at the expense of more traditional materials, like wood and plastic. 
Do you want to make an impression on your clients, partners and suppliers?
This is your best chance!
Besides, bamboo is a truly versatile material that can be used to produce multiple products, from chopping boards and coffee mugs, to pens, power banks and even calculators!
On top of this, bamboo is a lightweight, but extremely resistant material (it’s considered to be harder than most woods) – and it has a stylish and elegant look.
In other words: bamboo is a no-brainer in terms of eco-friendly materials for promotional products!

Cotton: sustainable, renewable and 100% biodegradable

Cotton is the largest natural fiber used in the production of textile fabrics – the best alternative to chemical fibers. 
Besides: cotton is sustainable, renewable and 100% biodegradable – making it an excellent choice for environmentally-friendly products.
On top of this, in these last 20 years, the innovations in the industry have allowed to reduce the impact of its production enormously:
the energy used to produce 1 pound of cotton has been reduced 66%, the farming emissions are 33% down, there is 34% less soil loss and 49% less water usage.
Cotton-made products also offer a great range of possibilities in terms of brand promotion, with personalised t-shirts and promotional shopping bags being the most common items.

Recycled PET: countering the impact of virgin plastic

PET is one of the most common consumer plastics. 
It is mostly used as a packaging material in bottles, food containers and other consumer goods. 
However, PET has a great advantage: it can be recycled into the same form again and again.
As stated above, plastic has become almost indispensable in our daily lives. 
If we manage to reuse a big percentage of all that plastic, we’ll reduce enormously the amount of waste.
For instance, in Europe, the rate of recycled PET bottles in 2015 was close to 50% – and growing!
Recycled PET is everywhere. 
From water bottles to reusable shopping bags, from clothing to roof insulation. 
Recycled PET products are cost-effective but, most importantly, they help to counter the damage done to the environment by the production of virgin plastic.

Cork: save the trees, help the environment

When we’re talking about cork, you probably start thinking about wine.
Yet, this resistant waterproof material is being used for many other purposes as well, from home decoration to promotional products.
Cork comes from the bark of the Cork Oak Tree. 
The process of extracting the bark doesn’t harm the tree and it’s 100% renewable – there’s a new bark every 9 years, to be exact.
Therefore, this material comes directly from the nature, doesn’t harm the environment, is biodegradable and has very little processing involved. 
Do you want to show how much do you care about the trees and the environment?
Cork-made products are your to-go choice!

Sustainable materials are the future of promotional products

Promotional products and business gifts are great marketing tools to promote your brand, raise awareness and show appreciation to customers, partners, suppliers and employees.
They’re also the reflection of your company and the image you want to project. 
Therefore, they can become great mechanisms to shout-out how committed to the environment your company is. 
How? By using eco-friendly promotional products to promote your brand!
Carboard, bamboo, cotton, recycled PET, cork… the possibilities grow year after year. 

Now you can even buy sustainable pens made of 50% wheat stray! 
In the end, the choice is only yours. 
What type of company do you want to present to the public?

By | 2023-10-10T09:38:09+00:00 12 February 2019|