We are reminded again and again how important health is. As an employer, you naturally want your employees to be healthy and in good shape. In a previous blog, we already gave smart tips on how to keep your employees happy and motivated. But how do you motivate your employees to move more and stay healthy and fit? In this article, we will give you some ideas on what you as an employer can do for your employees when it comes to sports and health. Take advantage of these opportunities!
Your employees will be happier and more productive
Various studies show the importance of having healthy employees. They are more productive, work harder, are more motivated and get sick less often. Exercise is not only good for the condition of the body, but also for the condition of the brain. In addition to the positive effect on productivity, healthy and fit people are also happier.
The guide to exercise
How much exercise should you have? WHO has established guidelines for adults (18 years and over):
- Exercise is good, more exercise is better
- At least 150 minutes of intense exercise per week
- Activities to strengthen muscles and bones and, for older people, balance exercises at least twice a week
- Avoid sitting still for long periods
Especially if you have an office job, it can be challenging to comply to these guidelines. As an employer, you have the opportunity to contribute to this and motivate.
Exercise during working hours?
But how do you actually get your employees to move more? A first golden tip is to give your employees the opportunity to move around during working hours. But it’s not so much about getting your employees to do an hour of exercise-like training during working hours. There are many more opportunities to combine sport and work and get more exercise. For example, encourage them to take a walk during their lunch break or take the stairs instead of the elevator more often. Find smart ways to combine exercise and work. Or organize a fun sports activity or sports day.

Annual Challenge!
We have already mentioned that it is good to set a specific goal. A really fun way to take advantage of this is to come up with a challenge and tie it to a goal. Consider e.g. “Cycle to Paris” challenge. Everyone records their kilometres in an app and the first to reach the goal wins a prize! For more ideas, see our article on organizing a sports challenge. Give your employees an activity tracker to record their mileage. Get this activity tracker printed with your logo and provide some branding!
Cycling more often
Cycling also clearly promotes health. More and more employers offer leasing of a company bicycle, which can of course also be used privately. A motivation factor for employees to buy a good bike and cycle more. In this way, you not only make a good effort for the health of your employees, but you also do something for the environment. Do you want to take even more sustainable steps? Then read our blog with tips for a sustainable business.

Give away sports gifts
Another way to motivate employees to exercise is to give them delicious sports gifts. Put e.g. a sports package together that includes products to help stay healthy and fit. Think of items for walking or jogging, a printable retro sports bag, a gym set with a logo for training at home or other sportswear. Get the sporting goods printed with your logo and create branding.
Also remember to eat healthy!
In addition to motivating your employees to exercise more, it is also important to pay attention to a healthy diet. But how do you motivate your employees to eat healthier? One way could be to organize a workshop on healthy cooking or ways to make lunch in the canteen healthier. Or give them practical lunch boxes so they can bring their own healthy lunch to the office, for example: a Mepal Lunchpot or a Mepal Saladbox. Also practical for employees who travel a lot. For more tips, see our blog entry on promoting healthy lunches. In this way, you make them think about the possibilities of eating healthier.
Drink enough water
In addition to diet, we know that drinking enough water is also important for health. In addition to increasing physical performance, it affects energy levels and brain function, prevents and relieves headaches, improves bowel movements and ensures kidney function, among other things. We go more in-depth with the article “Drink water: Everything you need to know.” So there are many reasons to drink water, and yet it is often difficult to reach the recommended amount of 1.5 to 2 litres per day. As an employer, you have the opportunity to help with this. Give e.g. your employees a beautiful water bottle with a logo or individual name for the office and on the go, or set up water dispensers in the company.
Get inspired by these ideas to motivate your employees to stay healthy and fit. Not only do you as an employer benefit from this, but above all your employees themselves derive long-term benefits from it.